April 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Natural Animal Health, Uncategorized

Research indicates that many diseases can be caused from nutrient deficiencies and prevented with the right nutrient supplements but most pet owners do not realize the potential risks of buying ‘off the shelf’ supplements for their dog.

Nutrient supplements can severely compromise the health of your dog if they contain harmful, cheap fillers such as talcum powder, shellac, unstable oils and many other cancer-causing agents that have been found in cheap supplements. These companies are in business to make their shareholders money – not to make your dog healthier!

Unlike most ‘Off the shelf’ products – The formulas that I recommend  are not manufactured simply for profits, but for safe and effective clinical prescribing that I can rely on for my dog patients*. As a qualified naturopathic practitioner, my reputation rests on getting results so I would never consider recommending inferior products for my client’s pets.


I only ever recommend and prescribe safe and effective medicines and supplements that have been clinically tested and that meet the following criteria:

* They need to be Guaranteed to be free from harmful cheap fillers, toxic pesticide residues & dangerous heavy metals such as mercury, cadmium and aluminum, that are commonly found in other supplements.

* They need to contain therapeutic levels of each ingredient – not just a little bit of this and a tiny bit of that to impress you into buying the product and the nutrients used need to be the most easily utilized by the body (most cheap forms will just go straight through your pet!).

* They need to be natural forms of nutrients – not synthetic!

* The supplement companies that I rely on spend millions of dollars each year on scientific research to develop products with powerful biochemical activity & the highest absorption rates and to ensure their formulas contain nutrients & herbs in correctly balanced ratios to deliver optimal therapeutic results. Many cheaper, mass market producers compromise on the quality of raw materials & manufacturing processes.

* The companies I recommend need to use the best manufacturing processes when producing supplements – Avoiding the use of excess heat, moisture & compaction – which can reduce the biological activity of many nutrients and herbs. In addition, the companies I rely on do not use the common reactive binders, fillers & synthetic additives which many producers use and which may be unsafe and can cause short-term or long-term side effects.

* The treatments I prescribe have to have a very high percentage of success – my reputation as a practitioner relies on getting results! The supplements and herbal medicines that I prescribe cannot be compared to products available ‘off the shelf’ from retail outlets. In my clinical experience, these products usually have very limited effect or no effect at all.

Serious Quality Issues with ‘Off the Shelf’ Supplements

I have always been troubled by the safety and quality issues of these products (as described above) and, at the very least, have found that many of them have excessive binders which result in a reduced ability to dissolve or absorb their ingredients.

In addition, from many years of research, I’ve found that a large number of retail supplements do not contain the therapeutic doses of the active substances claimed on the label and, as I said, these mass-produced supplements are usually only manufactured to deliver profits to shareholders rather than health benefits to pets. Therefore, when it comes to dog wellness, I only ever use and prescribe nutrient and herbal supplements from companies that are at the fore-front in the field of integrative medicine that I feel confident will provide safe and effective results for my animal clients.

I wouldn’t ever give ‘off the shelf’ multi-vitamins, herbal supplements, fish oil capsules, glucosamine or any other cheap or inferior nutrient supplements to my client’s dogs or my own pets.

If you want effective solutions for your dog’s health problems or you want to try to prevent disease in your pet that may be caused by nutrient deficiencies – I recommend you only give them the highest quality herbal formulas and nutrient supplements available.

Why compromise their health?


Please consult a qualified animal naturopath or holistic veterinarian for advice about nutritionally-balanced diets and naturopathic medicines for the treatment of animals. 

Yours In Great Health,

Sar Rooney BHSc., DC., ND., DASc., GDSc. (Hons) Zoology, MHATO, MATMS

Naturopathic Practitioner, Researcher, Lecturer, Canine Naturopath

Science-Based Naturopathy for Canine Wellbeing 

Canine naturopathic health care with a clinical focus on skin conditions, inflammatory bowel disorders, chronic infections, arthritis and disease prevention.

Helping dogs achieve optimal wellness with personalised, professional naturopathic health care and individually-prescribed high-quality herbal medicines and supplements 

Naturopathic Animal Services

Appointments are available by email, phone & skype

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Disclaimer: The information provided is not intended to replace any veterinary or medical advice or treatment.  

* Treatment advice can only be provided with the approval of your veterinarian.

Natural Animal Health for pets, specialising in natural health for dogs. Naturopathic dog therapy with a holistic approach to animal health may complement conventional vet treatments. We offer expert naturopathic advice for dogs from a qualified animal naturopath that specializes in natural dog health. We are based in South Australia's Adelaide Hills region but consult throughout Australia and internationally, with clients in South Australia, Queensland, Victoria, the ACT, NSW, the NT, Tasmania, Western Australia, New Zealand, the UK, the US and other countries throughout the world. While we specialise in dogs health problems and natural animal therapy we also treat people with naturopathic medicine and offer clinic services in natural health. Many clients have found natural animal therapy to be more effective or less invasive than conventional vet services. Our clients have a common interest in the health and wellbeing of their dog and are looking for natural preventative health programs and natural remedies for dogs such as herbal medicines and homeopathy that are often not offered by veterinary practices or veterinarian clinics in Australia and New Zealand. Canine natural pain relief and natural animal therapy for inflammation are common conditions that may benefit from naturopathic animal health treatments and holistic pet care.

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